Assorted miniature food / cereal pack
A red tray
#6 Re-Ment Snoopy American Mkt, The dinner is macaroni
#3 Re-Ment Snoopy American Mkt, BBQ
Re-Ment Pokemon Pikachu Sunlight Cafe
#7 Re-Ment Snoopy American Mkt, Surprise party
#4 Re-Ment Snoopy American Mkt, Today's bargain
3pcs of assorted cheese
1:12 : 3pcs of wall paints
1:12 : A palette of water color in tube removable
A set of DIY white photo frame
A long soup spoon
#5 Re-ment : Grandpa's Grandma's House
#2 Re-ment : Grandpa's Grandma's House
Re-ment Petit Sample - Grandpa & Grandma house kitchen
A weighing machine for stall
1/12 : Black Chinese wok with ladle
Science removable test tubes with stand
A toy teddy bear
A short sprout coffee / teapot
A pot with dots design
A Japan style traditional stove w mesh
A bottle of olive
2pcs of tea spoons
A Plate of lobster
A mini coffee beans grinder
A mini stone like grinder
A mini mobile phone
1:12 - An apple laptop